found this on a blog, thought you would appreciate it.
We now find out that while there were significant shortages that some of what was happening during WWII was done to ‘involve’ the American public…
This war (Iraq) is very expensive. The cost is real and will not just go away. What was the quote? “The cost of one day in Iraq would have funded the un-insured childrens health bill”?
This much debt, this much deficit makes America weaker, not stronger. No one will conquer us militarily. Fiscally we are sinking our own ship.
The Cold War was won, in part, by making the Soviets spend themselves into collapse....
This Republican party is not fiscally conservative, nor are they for smaller government. The Dems. are a ball-less lot that is incapable of dealing with the worst administration in the history of the country.
The American populace needs to wise up, band together and get a grip on the direction we have been heading for the past six years....you can not wage a war for this long at this expense, enlarge the size of government and give tax cuts....
We have close to 30,000 wounded vets and if history repeats itself (apparently we do not learn) we will go from “loving our soldiers” to “not supporting our wounded Vets”....There is and will be a growing on going expense to this pointless war that does not have an attainable end. (we have the might but not the diplomacy skills)
We are not even capable of securing our borders, yet we think that what we are doing in Iraq is fighting a war on terror?....Give me a frickin break.