Saturday, October 27, 2007

Continue the journey

In my never ending quest to find passion that cost money rather than make money, I have found ..rather re-discovered a new one. After years as a freshwater enthusiast, and then years and thousand of dollars, as a saltwater enthusiast...I have now come 360 degree's. About three years ago a friend "turned me on" to the work of Takashi Amano.....I was in the middle of my saltwater period, quite happily spending hundreds of dollars a week on the glance at the work of Takashi and I sold all of the salt systems and am now, finally, going to realize where my aquatic vision lies.

Tomorrow I pick up a 125 gallon tank. Monday a 55, possibly a 90 add to my 29 and multiple 10's...hopefully one day I will produce a photo of my own aquascape that holds as much beauty as those posted below.


Michael said...

You could save a lot of time/money and just take up WoW or something.

Imagine said...

my reality is fish, are there fish in WoW?....To be honest Wow scares me, because I know the depth of the OCD that lies just beneath the surface.

With Wow I would have little reason to carry on with reality.