Good thing we don't have Socialized Medicine. We would hate to have the same shitty care that they have in the UK or in Canada.
I am sure everyone has seen this "nutbag's" story on the news. I am sorry he had a bad experience in the ER and during his surgery. No one deserves that. I am so happy that he is now informing us that there are problems in the system.
When my son was four he fell off of an old trunk and cut his hand on the latch. It was clear that he needed stitches. His mother whisked him to the ER, a nearly empty ER, where they sat for 3 hours. The four year old was stoic (more so than the mother). His only question, as he looked at the bloody towel around his hand, was "why won't they fix it?"
A handful of years ago, while in San Antonio, a friend of mine thought he was having a heart attack. Chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness in the left arm...the whole scary list. There is a hospital two blocks from the hotel..but the doorman at the Hotel says "don't go to that one, it is horrible...go to..." and I have forgotten the name, but it was a good 10-15 blocks away. So, zoom, we go.....we arrive at a crowded ER and I check him in at the desk. I tell the admitting humanoid his symptoms and that he has had previous heart issues...we are asked to fill out paper work and have a seat. Six hours later....SIX hours later (and yes I did ask several times how long it would take and did he have to fall over to see someone)
Six hours later he is moved to a long hallway that is partitioned off with those hanging drape things...they put him in a bed...and leave us for another 2.5 hours!!
A doctor finally comes in...zip, zap, zing...they do an ekg (in a normal amount of time) and they admit him, and basically leave him in a room (which is filthy and actually had splotches of someones blood on the floor) for the night and toss him out the next day..telling him to come back if the symptoms return.
Cost? $4700.00
Our health care sucks. Granted if you have the coin or insurance and need significant services....yes the world flocks to the US. But for the average persons, average care? It basically sucks and it costs tooooo much.