Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Fred Thompson: big bag of wind. Same old story. Horrible delivery.

Mitt Romney: Surprising weak start. Stiff and a bit confusing, and I have been impressed with his speaking skills in the past. This is not a well written speech.

Huck: I always like his common man delivery. I find him genuine. I don't agree with him very often but I do like the man

Rudy: Thought he was a dick pre-911...then I liked him post 911...then I thought he was a dick, wasn't a dick, was a dick.....tonite I thought his speech was not as witty nor as intelligent as he obviously is.... I did find him effective while talking about Palin.

I'm very tired of the " Democrats will expand government and increase taxes" line....what has happened to Government these past eight years??

I am also tired of the sound bite about Palin that they keep on hammering "...she has executive experience"

Sarah Palin: Love the kids names....I think she might have inhaled.....nice speech...very John Cougar Mellencamp-esque......pretty home-spun...Norman Rockwell...June cleaver...all wrapped into one speech. ....and she went on the attack.....this could be one scrappy VP.......she lost me on the "lets drill for oil" rhetoric...we have plenty of oil, just not enough refining.

She is going to build more nuclear plants. That is awesome. I'll eat this computer if one is built in the next 4 years.

Her content was impressive. Her vocal delivery and timbre will be comedian material for the next two months and if they win, for the next 4 years.....

Overall: Good off the blocks. She put some "smack" out now it is ok to give some 'smack" back...

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