Friday, November 14, 2008


In case you thought that PETA doesn't SUCK!!!!

fyi- I have a Samoyed, A lizard, two snakes (both named chris), a tarantula, a turtle, a whole mess-o-koi, a 72 bowfront,a 125 planted,a 55 planted, a 29 brood, 6 ten gallon rearing, a brine shrimp set up for the fry,10 breeding pair of Angels,50 rummy nose tetras, assorted glo-lite, cardinal and neon tetras and probably 85 medium sized black veil angel babies. I have 4 bird feeders, three hummingbird feeders (tho we can nary attract the little bastards,squirrel feeders, compost piles, wren houses (10 of them...yeah, that's right 10 wren houses's you got a problem with that?)and I am thinking of getting a tri-colored high end basset hound puppy...I had a couple birds but they make a mess, are loud as hell and taste like chicken.

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