Sunday, August 12, 2007

Vote Them Out!!

I have the "countdown calender" on my google homepage...marking the time before we can clean out this group of criminals, idiots and morons from the White House.

The problem, of course, is clear. How do we keep from filling that same house with more idiots, morons and criminals?

Where are the leaders? Where are the Statesmen? Has the power of the positions held in DC so corrupted this country that any honest person that wins a seat soon becomes part of the machine? Apparently "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

I have been to DC many, many times. I have visited our senators and representatives. They are insulated in a world of pampering and pandering. The longer they stay in power the more perks..the nicer office...the better commitees, the more clout...
so all they really want to do is stay in power.....blow with the wind, ride the fence and stay in power.

Congress is such a dissapointment right now. The Dems win control and what have they done with it? Nothing!

All across this great country millions of Americans feel the same frustration. I am not represented!!, yet come election we keep our Senators, we keep our representatives, because of their position, their clout, the commitee's they sit on...

South Dakota got pissed at Daschle and dumped him...that cost the state millions, probably billions...that is the power of the position.

My new plan for the United States.
Please shoot holes in it as it is not perfect......yet.

We are a pretty smart and savy group of Americans. For some reason we like it when our political leaders lie to us and blow smoke up our back-sides. For some reason we like to put your sorry butt in DC for life, no matter how poor a job you do.

It takes a lot to get our attention. The last time we all paid attention was 9/11 prior to that?

Some modest changes

1. House of Representatives stays as is a giant mess of big states kicking little states asses...but everything has to go upstairs anyway...let them continue their little frat party for a bit.

2. Senate:
Each state sends 3 for a 5 year term. Staggered so that after five years the senior member is out and the other two are ready to step in.
States select representatives similar to Jury duty but with a bit higher criteria. level of education and other criteria to figured out later. We pay them double what they are earning back expenses...they don't "live 24/7" in DC...we have airplanes now they can come home and listen to what we want them to do. They can also do a whole lot of voting from home via the internet...

3. Lobbyists?- fuck'm' they're out
4. Fund rasing- don't need're in for five and then you are out
5. Special interest groups?- better come to the home state and make a case for your issues or piss off.
6. Realestate?- Yeah there will be a boatload of unused office space in DC
7. Party affiliation? (this needs work still) represent your state...a midwest liberal is more conservative than a west coast republican....represent your one likes republicans or democrats anyway right now...
8. Sleazebags and Crooks: You might have had serious issues in your past. We don't care...screw up during your are out instantly and represent us, we do not represent you......have a few to many and get a DUI...yer done!, plug a page?, yer done!

Presidential elections

1. Campaigns are two weeks in length. Each gets the same amount of prime time TV. Each can set up internet sites with the platform

2. Each Candidate must post their VP, cabinet and appointee's at the outset. This is the greatest country on the planet we deserve to know who is going to be manning the stations. The current blatant crony system is a serious crock of shit and has caused a great many problems....Sure your high school beer drinking buddy is a load of laughs but he doesn't know shit about "FEMA".

3. 10 year moratorium on any candidates from Texas...just because Bush is such an asshole....(ok maybe this is unfair to Texas)

4. No bullshit political answers. We have one huge primetime debate..."Will your administration fun stem cell research, yes or no?".....with the proper mediator the entire debate might last 45 minutes....

5. No forces deployed with out a declaration of war and a reinstating of the draft. Or Politicians relatives go first.

6. Presidential advisers.....They are on the team from the beggining..they are accountable, they answer questions.

7. State of the union address: Screw that crap. Once a month, on a sunday night...the president gets one hour, no crowds, no pomp, no bullshit...put a camera up in the Whitehouse kitchen and just talk.......each state's representation then does the same...

8. No one gets to run for president with out first serving as a State representative or Senator.

Other Basic Rules
1. America is what America always has been. A group of people from all over the globe that have come together to create the best country on the planet. You are an American first. Our language is English.

2. We do not build walls in America, we tear them down.

3. You pay taxes for the common good. Schools, roads, bridges that stay up and defense.

4. Your an American corporation? the majority of your holdings need to be between our borders. See number 3

It's a start.....I'll finish planning in a bit...tonite is a new moon and there is supposed to be significant meteor action....


Aaron A. said...

Some great guidelines that one would think should be common sense for any representative.

Imagine said...

Things just continue to get "out of hand"....DC is is like a city full of little kingdoms....of course they want to stay...

I suggest we put the "Service" back into the job of our "Public Servants".