Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Say Anything blog-does this make sense?

I keep going back to "Say Anything". I just got the biggest charge out of this post. I am not sure if they are serious, but I sure hope they are. I have been wondering why I am so completely opposite of so many views on that blog.

Ignorant, sexist, arrogant, un-educated,....I'll stop there...you have to go check it out, seriously..It is the absolute best and of course the absolute worst all wrapped into one.

Should teachers bring guns to school?


Michael said...

My blood pressure goes up just clicking that link. All those commenters are complete fucktards.

I agree with most of his post.

I'm not anti-gun, but this crowd thinks that guns make people safer. They don't, they make them less safe. I'm not opposed to having security, including armed security, at schools if necessary. I think we have lost it if we think that arming teachers is an improvement.

I do think, though, there are times when we need to fight back.

Rob said...

Ignorant, sexist, arrogant, un-educated,....I'll stop there

Wow...is that really fair? I mean, you disagree with me, but to call me ignorant? Sexist?

C'mon. Let's not go there.

By the way, guns do make people safer...because it's not the guns that commit crimes. It's people who commit crimes. And we're never going to be able to eliminate the guns from the streets (toothpaste is out of the tube on that one), so we may as well embrace it.

Just my two cents.

Michael said...

By the way, guns do make people safer...because it's not the guns that commit crimes. It's people who commit crimes.

Yet most gun deaths are accidental or suicides. If you keep a gun in your home both of these events are much more likely than if you don't.

Get a gun to protect the safety of your home and it is more likely that someone you love will die as a result. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Rob you were not the "sexist" comment...came a bit down the list...something about women not being able to

Anonymous said...

it is a good discussion topic...just needs refinement....I posted several more times on your blog


trust me, there are people in schools that should not be armed with chalk let alone a firearm :)

The Whistler said...

Yet most gun deaths are accidental or suicides. If you keep a gun in your home both of these events are much more likely than if you don't.

I like how you lump that in. Accidents are quite rare and rank well below many many activities.

Suicides are a tragedy but they are so whether or not they use a gun. I'd like to see you supply proof that suicides would go down if guns were banned.

You're not going to because you can't. For example in Japan where guns are rare suicide is much more prevalent than in the US.

By the way that "study" saying that a gun is much more likely to be used against yourself or a member of your family is completely bogus. Kellerman looked at one tiny dataset using flawed methodology and nobody has been able to confirm his figures.