Saturday, August 9, 2008

What is wrong with these people?

Sometime last week someone from the Westboro Baptist Church read about the murder of Tim McLean. (the 22 yr old Canadian man killed on the Greyhound Bus)
This someone must have participated in a meeting with others of like mind and it was decided that God wants them to protest at this young mans funeral. Did they pray for the family? for the deceased?, for the accused? or for the others on the bus? Or did they simply "use" this horrific story to promote a personal agenda? Striving to get publicity?, striving to inflame, striving for self-aggrandizement?

They are protesting against Canada....the country..

"The group intends to picket the funeral of 22-year-old Tim McLean to tell Canadians his slaying on July 30 was God's response to Canadian policies enabling abortion, homosexuality and divorce and remarriage."

I am amazed at the restraint of humanity to allow this "freedom of speech" to occur.

I am sure that no one at the Westboro Baptist Church feels shame for the repeated acts of cowardice and insanity. This is just fine because there are enough of us in the world that are ashamed for you and of you.


Michael said...

Yeah, at some point those people will be justifiably homocided.

Anonymous said...

turns out that they were able to keep the Westboro folks away from the funeral....however PETA has released photo's of 'animal slaughter houses" and they are comparing the beheading of McLean to butchering cattle.
fucktards everywhere!

Brad said...

You're certainly not alone:

Michael Coward said...

Brad referred me to this blog because he knows I am adamantly anti-WBC. He also linked my blog, which is (for the most part) a discussion about Christian reform.

You might consider my blog in itself

But for WBC-specific matters you may find this interesting

Also, I corresponded with them briefly and here is my account of that:

I don't mean to seem vain linking my own blog. I certainly recommend Donald Miller's Searching for God Knows What as a far more articulate and expository discussion on the Christianity. All this to say, Brad is right: You're not alone, and I humbly support your antipathy towards WBC. Thanks.